The Power of Thought

If you have ever doubted the immense power of thought to influence the outcome of your desires, hopes and dreams, this explanation may help you to think rather differently from now on.

Our thoughts are the forerunners of our actions to a greater degree, since it is what goes on inside our heads that dictates what goes on with our bodies.

To give you a simple example, when you go to take a shower, your body doesn't just go there all on its own. You first have the thought in your mind that you want or need to take a shower and then your body goes and does what it is told to do by your mind.

Thoughts Cause Actions

When you really think about it (pun intended), your body doesn't actually do anything all by itself. power of thoughtEverything it does is controlled by your mind, consciously or subconsciously.

The subconscious actions that you don't really have much knowing input into include the pumping of your heart, temperature regulation, digestion, breathing, healing and fighting off infection. They are all controlled by your mind but just at a level that you don't consciously interact with.

There is a very good reason for that. Just imagine how overwhelmed you would be if you had to consciously tell your heart to beat every time while at the same time telling your chest to expand and contract so your lungs fill with air.

Not to mention all the many other bodily functions that need to happen every second of every day of your life!

Fortunately for us, all those functions are controlled and directed by a part of our minds that doesn't interfere with our conscious thought processes, that have to deal with working out what we should do right now, deciding what to wear, what to eat, what to drink, when to leave the house to go to work or what to do at work. And all the many other consciously controlled tasks we do during our waking hours each day.

It is those conscious thoughts that, unhindered by subconscious processes, are able to get us through each day doing all the things we must do as well as the things we want to do.

Those conscious thoughts are responsible for our physical actions as well. If we need to work out a route to drive to someplace we have never been before, we can do that with our thoughts and then direct our bodies to carry out the necessary actions, like getting in the car, starting it up, driving out of the garage and heading off in the direction we have planned.

Just about everything we do, is first envisaged in our thoughts!

Thoughts Are Things

Even more powerful and surprising for many people is a little known fact that our thoughts are actually measurable energy fields that interact with the energy that surrounds us.

To absorb that nugget of information can be difficult for some, especially if you have never considered that the world we live in is rather more than just what our five senses tell us about it. However, there are forces at work around us that we cannot sense in the usual way.

Some things we can accept and I'll use these as an example to show how this works.

What We Know

Let's take an energy source we know about, like electricity. We can't see it or hear it or otherwise confirm its existence through our other senses, but we know it's there.

We can see what it can do when it lights a light bulb or powers a fan for example. We can certainly feel it when we inadvertently touch an exposed live wire, sometimes to our great cost! Yet despite it being a commonplace source of power, our best scientists still don't know exactly what it is!

How about gravity? We know it's all around us and that it keeps us from falling off the surface of the planet and it causes a ball we throw up into the air to come back down to the ground again. Yet we can't see, hear, smell, touch or taste it!

By the standards of our five senses, gravity should not exist!

So when you're faced with another energy form that you can't sense, it's hard to confirm or believe in its existence unless you have something solid to prove it. A thought is a very difficult one to accept as an energy form, but you either accept it as you do gravity, or you reject it as being just a load of old nutcase ramblings.

If you're still reading, I shall assume you don't reject the concept!

What We Need to Know

A thought can be (and has been) measured using sensitive scientific instruments, so we actually do know that it is a valid form of energy. In that sense, a thought has a frequency of vibration like all energy forms.

That frequency changes as the thought changes. Thoughts are influenced by emotions.

That means, what we feel dictates what we think. So what we feel is usually what we end up doing, even though the action is governed by the thought, which is influenced by the emotion.

How many times have you been really angry and thumped your fist down on a table or thrown something the direction of something to vent that anger? Do you see what just happened?

The action you carried out was the thumping of your fist or the throwing of an item, which was manifest as a thought that you should carry out that action, influenced by the strong emotion of anger. That is a very real action, caused by a very real emotion and thought.

The Law of Vibration

Thoughts can also cause a thing to become manifest in our lives.

When our thought energy is vibrating at a certain frequency, it will attract to it other energy fields vibrating at the same frequency. This is the Law of Vibration at work.

When we are thinking (and feeling) an angry thought, it is quite likely we will attract to ourselves a similarly angry situation or person. How often have you experienced this, say for instance you are angry about something and an angry person comes up to you and starts an argument over something trivial, such as maybe you parked in their spot or you painted your door a different color and your neighbor is yelling at you because they don't like it!

That is the law of attraction at work in a negative way. Yet it doesn't need to be negative.

Consider a different scenario. Perhaps you just finished planting out a new flower bed and you're standing back admiring how nice it looks and how good it makes you feel, when a stranger comes up and compliments you on your work with a smile, thanking you for making their day.

Your happy thoughts and feeling just attracted a similarly happy, grateful and appreciative person!

I'm sure you can relate to the above examples of how your thoughts can influence the things that happen to you during your day. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but it helps to show how thoughts really do have a big part in what we do and what happens to us every day of our lives.

Be mindful of your thoughts, because they really do dictate what your day will be like, good or bad. Good is definitely better!